We are devoted to sharing our travel experiences and ideas with our followers in order to enhance other’s travels. We are striving to make a difference, in particular through our focus on people that have full-time jobs but still love to travel the world.
Our Statistics
Everyone knows that the travel market is rapidly expanding and ever-changing so we want to share with you some of our numbers to show why we are becoming an attractive site in this market. In addition to our strong social media presence, our website is gaining momentum in terms of increasing page views and unique visits each month.
As we continue to grow, here are some of our average stats over the last few months.
- 80-85k page views per month
- 60-65k unique visitors each month
Our Media Kit
Please click here to see and download our latest media kit that gives a ‘2 Minute Summary’ of who we are, what our market is focused on, a demographic overview and other statistics about us!
Advertising and PR
Do you have a product that you would like us to review? Maybe you run a hotel or part of a brand establishment looking to enhance your name in a saturated market? We are here to help and as you browse around our website, you will notice we have a diverse portfolio that we are continuing to develop. If you would like to collaborate with us on a focused campaign or specific promotion, we can offer:
- Targeted Advertising
- Front Page Website Highlighting
- Product/Service Reviews
- Banners
- Highly Structured and Drilled-Down Social Media Promotion using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram etc.
We would be delighted to work with you, so if you are interested please shoot us an e-mail to [email protected] or complete our Contact Us form.