Weekends at Home

weekends at home


That’s right folks, in July 2018, after 8 long years of renting (more on that later) we finally delved into the homeowners market with the purchase of our first home…and WE LOVE IT!

We decided to expand our “travel” blog to expand on our philosophy of “exploring the world one weekend at a time.” Our desire has always been to inspire those regular people who have full-time jobs to still be able to travel the world. We want to make one thing clear right now…our travel aspirations have not diminished at all, in fact, they are arguably stronger than ever before!

Welcome to our Home!

Buying your first home is a daunting prospect…it’s as simple as that! We had no idea where to begin, what the process involved, how much we could afford, where we wanted to buy a home or several other questions that we had no answers to. We realized after going through this process that if we faced these questions, there are many others out there that face the same issues.

This is when we decided to add a brand new section to our website, focused on helping folks purchase a home or perhaps get some new ideas for your existing home. Everything from starting the process to closing the deal, from hanging those first blinds to keeping your yard in order! It’s crazy to think that for 8 years of married life, we had none of these aspects to worry about.

The primary focus of A Brit and A Southerner will still be surrounding our travels around the world but occasionally we will be publishing some posts focused on sharing our life at home!