VIDEO BLOG – Exploring the Best Yellowstone Geysers


WOW! We have finally done it…we have created AND published our very first travel video for A Brit and A Southerner. It’s taken us a while and it’s been a lot of hard work figuring out iMovie but we are pretty happy with what we have put together (and more importantly, we hope you are too!). What better way to start our video series than by sharing our experiences in Yellowstone National Park, in particular our amazing adventures exploring the best Yellowstone geysers and other hydrothermal activity.

Video Summary

If you read our slightly controversial recent post on ‘Why Old Faithful is Not the Best Geyser in Yellowstone?‘ you will know that we found a couple of alternatives that we consider to be far superior. It’s nothing against Old Faithful and the reality is that this is still a gorgeous geyser that YOU HAVE TO SEE, but we just feel there are a couple (at least) of others that you could easily justify as considering to be better.

What do we define as ‘better’? Well it’s all down to personal interpretation of course so I will let you enjoy our very first video (it’s only a short one but we have at least made the break into the video blogging industry) and hopefully you will have an opinion on which is your favorite Yellowstone geyser.

beehive yellowstone geysers

From the Beehive Geyser that we were fortunate to see erupt at 7:30PM on our first night in Yellowstone to the stunning sight of Steamboat Geyser gurgling as folks wait in anticipation for the next eruption (the last one took place in September 2014 so we may all be waiting for a while to come!), Yellowstone National Park is THE place to be in USA if you have any sort of interest in geothermal and hydrothermal activity.

yellowstone geysers

To really enjoy Yellowstone, you need to set aside at least a couple of days though of course we showed that you can explore Yellowstone in a day and have an amazing time there as long as you plan accordingly.

Comments and Feedback

Please share your comments and opinions both on the content of the video, what you like about the video (and of course what you think we need to improve) and what you would love to see in the future.

For now folks, join us on our one minute journey from Jonesboro, Arkansas to Yellowstone National Park and enjoy the breathtaking eruptions of geysers! Are you ready to visit Yellowstone National Park for yourselves and experience the unlimited amount of natural beauty on display?

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  1. So impressed ,you are so clever! Really enjoyed the video felt we were there with you. I’m sure this is the way forwards, Very well done!

  2. Congratulations!!! I’ve been wanting to do video but have been dragging my feet. You’ve inspired me! I haven’t been to Yellowstone yet but my geyser experience in Calistoga was a bit anti-climactic. I have to go see this one!

    • Thanks so much Christina…we have been wanting to get into videos for a long time as well! As Jesper mentioned in the other comment, we really need to shoot all ‘horizontal’ but we are really happy to at least be able to put together our first video. Yellowstone geysers were awesome, I can’t wait to go back already to experience more!

  3. Always love videos. Make sure next time you film all your stuff horizontally, as somehow your videos are now almost square.. 🙂 Other than that great stuff, keep it up!

    • Thanks Jesper! Definitely agree with you regarding the horizontal videos. Honestly we took the videos using our iPhones really with no intention of creating this video but after playing around with iMovie we decided it was time to at least give it a go! It’s certainly a work in-progress but at least we know areas that we can improve 🙂


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