We have been very fortunate throughout our interview series to get to know a bunch of great folks from all corners of the globe. Today’s featured couple are no different and we are delighted to welcome Brian and Noelle of from Wandering On. Please feel free to comment, ask questions and connect with Brian and Noelle using their various social media fronts listed below.
We would like to give a special THANK YOU to our wandering couple for taking time to interview with us!
Intro: We are Brian and Noelle, an Irish couple, Brian from Cork and Noelle from Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Our travel blog is WanderingOn.com where we share our travel tips, photos, videos and stories from the road.
Website: WanderingOn.com
Social Media:
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/WanderingOn
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/wanderingon_bn
- Instagram – http://instagram.com/wanderingon
- YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/user/wanderingonbn
- Google+ – https://plus.google.com/+Wanderingon/posts
- Pinterest – http://www.pinterest.com/wanderingon/
- StumbleUpon – http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/wandering-on
What is your favorite aspect of traveling and if you are a travel blogger, why did you decide to create your website?
Our favourite thing about travel is the freedom and all the new things you get to experience; new people, new places, new cultures, new languages, new food and so on. We love change and variety in our life and that’s one of the reasons why travel is so appealing to us.
We started our blog originally as a way for family and friends to keep up to date with where we were and what we were doing. It also served as a personal record of our journey, something nice to look back at when we’re old and grey!
How many continents have you visited?
How many countries have you visited?
What is your favorite destination in the world and why?
That’s a really tough question. We’ve been to a lot of amazing places and each has been amazing for it’s own individual reasons. India would probably take the prize for that one if we had to choose. Mostly for it’s diversity but also for its random mad moments. There are not too many places in the world where you can be walking through a crowded street dodging people, vehichles and cows and an elephant will just nonchalantly go strolling by.
We were waiting for a bus in Hyderabad and a guy on a camel went strolling by. Pure and utter random madness but we loved it! Of course the food is just another string to India’s bow, just the street food alone is incredible and usually much better than what you get in any restaurant. Ya, India is a cool country.
If money/time was no object and you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you travel to and why?
This question is a killer! The honest truth is we want to go everywhere and that is our plan. We know it can kind sound of cliched to say it but we really do want to visit as many countries in the world as we can and we’re trying to make that dream a reality.
If time/money was no object we would probably choose an expensive place rather than a cheaper option. After a lot of thought, we think it would be Bhutan. We would both absolutely love to go there but the fact that you have to spend a minimum of $250 per day puts it way outside our price range. Quick, next question before we change our minds!
Which of the following gadgets do you take on your travels?
Laptop, Phone and Camera
What is your preferred method of transport?
Whatever will get us to where we’re going really. If travelling by land we would prefer train over bus but we have taken 17hour buses before without any problems. If we are travelling long distance then plane. If we were seeing a city then by foot or bicycle. Travelling by car/van yourself is a great way to explore a country too. It really depends on the situation. 🙂
Complete the following, “Everywhere I go, I visit….”
Everywhere we go, we visit a restaurant. We definitely enjoy our food and love to try the local food wherever we are.
Here is your chance to sell yourself and your website! Tell us some more information about yourself, what your travel philosophies & future plans are and anything else that people may find interesting to read about…
Our website WanderingOn.com is about all things travel. We share travel tips, photos, videos, interviews with other travellers and of course our own travel experiences.
Our travel philosophy is to travel slowly and take our time in a place. We enjoy soaking up the atmosphere of places we visit rather than flying through on a quick tour. This gives us more time to learn about a country, it’s people and it’s culture and that’s really important to us.
Right now, we are living in South Korea teaching English for the next five months and then we’re hitting the road again! We’re really excited about packing our bags again. Our (very loose) plan for now is to go to Tokyo and Mt. Fuji in Japan then Taiwan and onto South East Asia. We want to spend about a month in Cambodia and Laos, a few weeks around Northern Vietnam and then maybe another month in Myanmar. After that, we don’t really know what’s going to happen but that’s all part of the adventure and we can’t wait to see what how it pans out.