Keeping your Travel Website and Social Media Updated

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The ultimate, million dollar question for any aspiring travel website developer or blogger is how on earth do you keep your website and everything associated with it updated with the most recent material? In reality, there is just not enough time in a day to achieve what you probably want to. So how do you solve this potentially serious problem that could be detrimental to your website? It takes a lot of serious planning, organization and dedication that unfortunately we have not yet found given that we are relative newbies to this.


Let’s start with the website. Ok, so you have decided that you want to document all of your travels and share your experiences with fellow travelers and the best way to achieve this is through a dedicated travel website. There are so many WYSIWYG sites and development partners out there to assist you with the development and then combining this with a free blogging software application such as WordPress or Blogger will help you achieve your goals. Or will it? Well, setting up your initial page is only the very beginning and this in reality is the easy part. I for one fell into the trap of thinking that whenever you have setup your pages how you want them, everything else will fall into place. You probably have a myriad of ideas out there of different pages and features you want to add to your site.


The problem is, you may not know how to convey this information to your readers in the most aesthetically pleasing way. The best example of this was our “Photo of the Day Contest” that we released earlier this year. Our intentions were great and we felt that we had sufficient materials to publish a different photo every day of the year and each month we would give a prize away to a lucky winner. The problem was, we found it very difficult to allocate enough time to both locate, edit and publish our favorite pictures on a daily basis. This fell away and up to this point we have not yet figured out how we want to re-open this particular aspect of our site.

Essentially your website will have different features but the most common feature that most travel blogs have is the blogs themselves. How do you ensure that you post enough material to keep your readers interested and willing to come back to read more? At the beginning, you will have plenty of materials and you probably have a feeling that you will never run out of articles to publish. The simple response to this is that you may have a lot of material, but it is either going to be repetitive, uninteresting to the majority of readers or you will get that dreaded writers block that prevents you from communicating what you want to in your articles.

I always tell people that it is not for the lack of trying or the desire to achieve what you are intending on doing. Whenever you are working a full-time job, have a home to look after and everything else that goes into the day-to-day living of a human being, it is sometimes near impossible to find those vital minutes to write about something your readers will love and make them want to come back.

Social Media

The next aspect which is equally as important in today’s modern era of technology is the wonderful world of social media. Wherever you look today, you will see the infamous Twitter logo or Facebook sign. Did you LIKE this page? Did you FOLLOW me on Twitter? Will you RE-PIN on Pinterest? All these are examples of questions we are asked every day about social media outlets that we all love to hate. This love/hate relationship between traveler and social media makes it essential that we keep on top of our social media.

social media

There is nothing easy about time-management.

Time Management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.

If only I could achieve Wikipedia’s definition on organizing my time devoted to A Brit and A Southerner. Over the next few weeks, I am wanting to get Heather more involved on this website. Heather will be the first to admit that she has great ideas but sometimes finds it a little more difficult to convey her thoughts on paper. I want to take advantage of her skills to enhance our website and social media.

In addition, I want to get a better pre-defined schedule in place so that our followers will have better expectations on when blogs will be released, social media updated more frequently and the creation of a better environment to enhance interactions from everyone associated with A Brit and A Southerner.

How do you achieve your time management goals when thinking about your travel site and social media? I am sure it is much easier for those folks out there that can devote all their time but those are the minority given that the majority of us are traveling purely for pleasure and have to fit this into our time schedules with work and family.

We are certainly intrigued to hear about all of your thoughts and are always open to suggestions on how to improve our site and be better prepared to attract more frequent visitors!

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Chris Boothman
Chris Boothman is the co-founder of A Brit and A Southerner. Born near Manchester, England, Chris moved to USA in 2006 where he soon after met his wife and travel partner in crime, Heather. They have since embarked on an amazing journey of travel as they challenge others to follow in their paths of working full-time but also being able to travel frequently! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Chris at [email protected]