History, heritage, culture, natural beauty, delicious cuisine…when you think of all these combined, there can only be one place that we are referring to – the United Kingdom! Comprising of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the UK is blessed to have a myriad of reasons that should entice visitors from all corners of the globe. There is obviously a hint of bias in this summary given that half of A Brit & A Southerner is from the UK but regardless of this, it’s clearly a breathtaking country that should be high on everyone’s bucket lists if you haven’t already experienced the beauty with your own eyes. If you are looking to experience adventures in the UK, keep reading!
When you think about the UK, what’s the first thing that springs to mind? Perhaps one of the following…
- London – It’s the first location in the UK that everyone thinks about and for good reason…but don’t let people fool you that this is all there is to see in the UK as you will quickly find out there is so much more!
- Heritage/Royal Family – The UK is a proud nation and so they should be! The Royal Family may not have as much power as they once did but it’s the rich heritage surrounding this that makes it such a popular attraction for visitors across the globe. Many nations look at this royal hierarchy and can only dream of having something similar.
- Fish and Chips – Come on folks, a trip to England wouldn’t be the same without sampling the finest fish and chips anywhere in the world (Sorry to those in the Land of Oz as you may argue otherwise but as an avid British connoisseur of local chippy’s, I can well and truly attest that they are the best!)
The list is endless but I want to touch on the first point that we hope to expand upon throughout our blog as we continue to share stories and experiences in the UK. England (or the UK in general) is much more than just London.
In fact, I would encourage any first-time visitors to the UK to immediately look outside of the capital city and start exploring some of the other iconic spots throughout the nation.
Adventures in the UK
Let’s start by taking a look at the overall map of the UK and where some of the iconic locations can be found. As I mentioned, the UK is technically divided into four segments (Northern Ireland being the “odd one out” given that the other three are directly connected) and each country (I am not going to get into the argument of whether the ‘four’ should be referred to as a country) offers a unique beauty that perfectly represents that part of the UK.
One of the best aspects about exploring the UK is the convenience of being able to get around and see a plethora of attractions in such a short period of time. You don’t have to worry about driving hundreds of miles like you do in the States to get to your next location and when you combine this with one of the best public transportation networks in the world, it’s an ideal scenario to begin exploring!
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- England is blessed to have amazing countryside and there is nothing quite like spending an afternoon taking a scenic drive through the Yorkshire Dales. Alternatively, perhaps heading to the quaint fishing village of Mevagissey in Cornwall is a more attractive prospect but regardless of your taste, there are plenty of awe-inspiring locations.
- Heather’s favorite spot is the hamlet of Haworth in Yorkshire. The spectacular drive over the Yorkshire Moors offers breathtaking views across an untouched landscape, the only interference being a few sightings of sheep dotted around the fields and iconic stone walls that divide areas of land. When you arrive in the quirky village of Haworth, thoughts of Victorian England spring to mind with the cobblestone streets and tea rooms a perfect reminder of the “good old days.”
- The English Riviera…we all hear about the stereotypical weather that we associate with England! That’s right, the rain and dreary conditions that typify the weather all year round. Don’t worry though, you don’t have to head to the Spanish Riviera to experience great weather because England’s very own Riviera can be found in Devon by the seaside resort of Torquay. The climate here always seems to be better than other parts of the country so it’s fair to say that when people claim that the “south gets better than the north”, they are likely referring to this part of the UK.
- We all love football in England! If your upbringing is pretty much anywhere in the UK, you have very little chance of avoiding football. And in my opinion, why would you want to? Take an Old Trafford stadium tour, home of Manchester United to find out exactly why football fans are so passionate about this sport!
- St. Andrews, also referred to as the “Home of Golf,” is a gorgeous town on the east coast that is not only known for its golfing heritage but also for the historic university where Prince William attended. Take a stroll around the town center to appreciate the rich heritage before enjoying a pint of your favorite Scottish ale in the 19th Hole!
- Edinburgh and Glasgow are the two iconic cities in Scotland but don’t think these are the only spots worth experiencing. If you love mountain climbing, hiking or simply enjoy the spectacular panoramic scenery, be sure to explore the masses of natural environments throughout this country.
- If you are truly serious about experiencing the best adventures in the UK, don’t forget to keep searching for the Loch Ness monster! You never know what you might stumble across in Scotland.