Interview – Danielle Smith (Social Nomad)

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We have another installment of ‘Travel Blogger Interviews’ today, and we would like to welcome Danielle Smith from Social Nomad as we continue our SUNDAY SOCIAL theme!

Please feel free to comment, ask questions and connect with Danielle using her various social media fronts listed below.

We would like to give a special THANK YOU to Danielle for taking time to interview with us!


Name: Danielle Smith

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada (USA)

Website: Social Nomad

Social Media: 

What is your favorite aspect of traveling and if you are a travel blogger, why did you decide to create your website? 

I feel most at home when I am wandering. I love to travel and experience life to the fullest degree. I’m not exactly a travel blogger, but it plays into my overall marketing plan for my company pretty heavily.

How many continents have you visited? 


How many countries have you visited? 


What is your favorite destination in the world and why? 

Edinburgh, Scotland. It is probably my favorite destination because it’s where three of my best friends reside and I always feel so at home and calm when I’m there.

If money/time was no object and you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you travel to and why? 

I couldn’t choose. I would just travel non-stop…which, consequently, is what I’m about to embark on next month since I have gotten to the point where my business will allow me to be location independent (the dream!).

Which of the following gadgets do you take on your travels? 

Phone and Laptop

What is your preferred method of transport? 


Complete the following, “Everywhere I go, I visit….” 

The bar. Obviously. 😉 But seriously, I like to get to know the locals. Drinking seems to be the universal language.

Here is your chance to sell yourself and your website! Tell us some more information about yourself, what your travel philosophies & future plans are and anything else that people may find interesting to read about… 

My story starts like most people who begin travel blogging and freelancing: disgruntled cubicle employee with a predilection for traversing the world decides to break out of the mold and pursue something that they are passionate about. And so Social Nomad was born. So far, I have spent about 7 years working in creative and online marketing, with a strong focus on social media, graphic design and web programming. I have done work for many small and independent companies, as well as some big ones: Canon, DeBeers, Passion Parties and Walters Golf and have had proven track record success with all of them. Aside from that, I have also spent much time devoted to seeing new places and as much of the world as I possibly can.

What can I say? I have a wandering spirit that doesn’t like to stay in one place for too long. I conceptualized Social Nomad to, not only be the front end for my independent consulting but to also share stories, photos, video and tips from my travels…and, as of August 18, 2013, it will be my full time job.


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Chris Boothman
Chris Boothman is the co-founder of A Brit and A Southerner. Born near Manchester, England, Chris moved to USA in 2006 where he soon after met his wife and travel partner in crime, Heather. They have since embarked on an amazing journey of travel as they challenge others to follow in their paths of working full-time but also being able to travel frequently! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Chris at [email protected]