Saturday Snaps #1 – Portland Maine Coastline

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Portland Maine Coastline

Location:  The Portland Maine coastline and overlooking the Atlantic Ocean by the Portland Head Lighthouse

Author: Chris & Heather Boothman (A Brit & A Southerner)

You are probably wondering what the story is behind the ‘Annie Maguire Shipwrecked’ note on the rock in the foreground of this picture? The Anne (yes, the graffiti has incorrect spelling) Maguire ship was a Canadian vessel and it wrecked on these rocks on Christmas Eve, 1886.

However, the mystery behind how this actually happened so close to the Portland Head Light continues because despite rumors of high storms, statistics and weather data from that date indicate that it was a clear night. So what actually happened the night before Christmas? We will let your imaginations run wild as I am sure we all have explanations that would be great to hear!

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Heather Boothman
Heather Boothman is the co-founder of A Brit and A Southerner. Born and in Jonesboro, Arkansas, Heather has always been a fond traveler but was only able to start fulfilling her dreams of traveling the world when she met her husband, Chris in 2008. They have since embarked on an amazing journey of travel as they challenge others to follow in their paths of working full-time but also being able to travel frequently! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Heather at [email protected]